Terms and Conditions


Welcome to Izzyimmi.com. IzzyImmi is an LLC legal entity, based in Indonesia and is fully under the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia and upholds the laws governed by the Republic of Indonesia. Therefore, the applicable laws are in the jurisdiction of the Republic of Indonesian. IzzyImmi strictly against any acts of fraudulent, money laundry, criminal acts, and any type of discrimination or harassment.

The parties who are entitled and have the capacity to determine policies at IzzyImmi are the shareholders, the founders of the company according to the names listed on the certificate of establishment of the business and Its attorney(s). The values ​​of the IzzyImmi are highly upheld and applied as standard in conducting business activities, maintaining a good reputation, providing a healthy, safety and warm relationships in a professional manner between IzzyImmi with Client(s) and with its Alliance(s). IzzyImmi will keep developing methods to measure performance and ensure all instruments do not violate business standards and ecosystem within the IzzyImmi.


Teamwork, Respect, Hardworking, Professional, Transparency, Lawfulness and Fairness. We ensure our Client’s Journey to be WARM and SEAMLESS.

In IzzyImmi, we treat our Clients as our Business Partners. We believe, we are all consumers; we purchase daily to how we connect with the world. Consumption is the sole and end purpose of all production.


Unfair business competition based on legal review in Indonesia in Law Number 5 of 1999 concerning monopoly regulation, there are 2 (two) groups of characteristics, namely:

  1. a group of articles that have the characteristics actors to jointly control the production and/or marketing of a product (oligopoly) or


  1. groups of articles that have the characteristics actors to jointly control the purchase of a product (oligopsony),

if the agreement may cause monopolistic practices and/or unfair competition, boycotts, closed agreement, etc.

In Article 56 paragraph of the Consumer Protection Law in Indonesia, the following types of disputes can be filed by consumers: non-payment of services, non-delivery of services, payment of commissions, fraud, and unwarranted levies. There are other types of consumer disputes that can be brought to court, such as default, misrepresentation.

The authorities will impose various sanctions on business actors if they are proven to have violated the Consumer Protection Law. These penalties will include heavy fines, penalties for product recovery, restrictions on business transactions, and administrative sanctions. In cases of flagrant violations, or where consumer complaints are ignored by the competent authority.

Equal rights within the organization the goal is to uphold the attitude of mutual respect, tolerance and also a sense of responsibility among members. By not playing fraudulently and maintaining a good attitude, it is expected that the organization grows healthy and safe for the ecosystem.

Equal rights in the field of law include rights to legal services and protection, the right to obtain and have a legal defense of the judiciary, equal rights in legal proceedings, the right to fair treatment or same in law and other legal rights.

Equal rights in the field of justice include rights that include the right to obtain legal assistance, the right to obtain a lawyer, the right to obtain the same in the course of a legal process such as investigation, raid, or detention and other rights relating to law and justice.

Misrepresentation and Representatives

By Law, it’s a serious crime to lie, or to send false information or documents to the Immigration. This is fraud. It’s called “misrepresentation.”

Beware of people who present themselves as immigration consultants, but who are not licensed by the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants. Unlicensed consultants may not have the same training and education as licensed consultants or other paid representatives (lawyers, immigration consultants and paralegals). Unlicensed consultants are not held to the same ethical standards as members of the College. That is why using an unlicensed consultant can have serious consequences, such as:

  • losing your money
  • having your application denied: an unlicensed consultant tells you to apply for a program you’re not eligible for, so your application gets rejected
  • being barred from entering your destination country
  • identity theft
  • money stolen from your bank account or credit card
  • threats of violence
  • exploitation

How do you spot immigration fraud?

If the offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. In fact, using the services of people who make such promises may result in rejection in your application.

Immigration system is based on fairness. Every application receives equal consideration. No one has special connections, and no one can promise your application will be given special treatment or guarantee that it will be approved.

  • Only Citizenship and Immigration officers can decide whether or not to issue a visa. Don’t be tempted into using false documents. It is a serious crime to misrepresent yourself by making false statements or submitting false documents when dealing with immigration. If you do this, your application will be refused. You will also face serious consequences. Depending on the situation, these may include:
    • You will be inadmissible for at least five years
    • a permanent record of fraud in immigration database
    • revocation of your permanent resident status or citizenship
    • being charged with a crime; or
    • deportation

Notes: Should you have any complicated case; we will refer your case to the immigration Lawyers.


IzzyImmi is a marketplace for immigration industry. We connect ourselves to different people with different cultures in the world. The key to success is our people. Our culture will be grounded in true, positive partnership that embraces trust, clarity, and openness in all that we do. We are supporting teams across the organization to grow together. Equity and diversity are essential to our culture. Therefore, based on good faith and on the principle of equal rights between Client(s), IzzyImmi and Its Alliance(s).

Whereas IzzyImmi as a legal entity in the Republic of Indonesia is fully authorized to set out terms and condition to maintain and protect The Company, Client(s) and its Alliance(s) from any parties and actions that are considered as a threat to the organization. IzzyImmi reserve a sole discretion to terminate, provide sanctions, and seeking legal assistance, lawsuit, and court if any party is harmed materially and defamation in the context of dispute resolution, for violations for each article that has been regulated in this Terms and Conditions.

For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions:

  • Clients means the individual using the Service, the visitor or the company, or other legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the Service, as applicable.
  • Governing Law(s) refers to The Republic of Indonesia
  • Immigration Law(s) refer to regulation in your country of choice
  • Company (referred to as either “The Company”,” IzzyImmi”, “We”, “Us” or “Our” in this Agreement) refers to PT. Izzy Immi Tech, Nucira Building, Tebet, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • Alliance(s) means an entity service provider (partner(s) who work together with IzzyImmi), hereinafter referred to as Alliance(s), are professionals, licensed immigration consultants, and lawyers, Organizations that are legally in existence and have the authority to enter into cooperation agreements and administer to handle and submit application.
  • Service(s) refers the application(s), legal advice related to programs on the Website
  • Terms and Conditions (also referred as “Terms”) mean these Terms and Conditions that form the entire agreement between Alliance(s) and Client(s), Alliance(s) and the Company, Client(s), and the Company regarding the use of the Service. This Terms and Conditions has been formed by The Founders, Shareholders of IzzyImmi, and Its attorney(s).
  • Website refers to Izzyimmi, accessible from http:www.izzyimmi.com



The purpose of this Act is to protect the existence of IzzyImmi, Client(s), and its Alliance(s) by establishing a legal framework for the achievement and maintenance of a consumer market that is fair, accessible, efficient, sustainable, and responsible for the benefit of Client(s). The Act grants Client(s) several rights and awareness as well as sets a number of obligations on the providers.

Each party shall consciously uphold every regulation contained in this Terms and Conditions while partnering with IzzyImmi.

By accessing Indonesian market, Alliance(s) agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. By using the service Client(s) agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If any disagreement with any part of these Terms and Conditions, then you may not access the Service.

Please read the conditions carefully.

IzzyImmi offer a wide range of immigration services and many requirements to be fulfilled. When you use our services, you will be subject to the guidelines, terms, and conditions that applicable to IzzyImmi.

Alliance(s), as provider you must meet minimum regulation standard. Failure to meet the minimum standard will result restriction, termination to access to Indonesian market.

The following are things that the Alliance(s) consciously acknowledge and can prove to exist:

  1. Alliance(s) has a certificate of incorporation that is legally valid in its country to enter co-operation with IzzyImmi.
  2. Alliance(s) has experience in their field and has successes Client(s) who have obtained PR approval.
  3. Professional(s) have a license in accordance with their profession which proves that the Alliance(s) have permission to practice according to their profession.
  4. Alliance(s) and its employees provide honest and true and clear information regarding the requirement(s) and risk(s) of each proposed program to the Client(s).
  5. The Alliance(s) will carefully and thoroughly and responsibly in carrying out their duty(es). If it is the fault of the Alliance(s) and its employee(s), the Alliance(s) and its employee(s) must be responsible and provide solutions for the Client(s)
  6. Alliance(s) provide an opportunity for Clients to negotiate, understand and request changes to the retainer agreement in sensible manner.
  7. Alliance(s) promise not to give false promises to Client(s)
  8. The Alliance(s) does not prevent the Client(s) from having the freedom to make choice
  9. The Alliance(s) does not prevent the Client(s) from requesting IzzyImmi assistance in selecting and carrying out obligations of IzzyImmi to the Client(s).
  10. The Alliance(s) will provide a quick response to the Client(s), normally we respond not later than 2 x 24 hours on consecutive working days.
  11. The Alliance(s) will not force things that are not in accordance with their capacity both in writing and unwritten to violate all company terms and conditions contained which are detrimental to IzzyImmi.
  12. The Alliance(s) reserves the right not to decline this terms and conditions and as such will terminate any written or unwritten agreement
  13. Alliance(s) are not allowed to apply competition that is proven to be unfair, unhealthy that could harm Client(s), IzzyImmi and its Alliance(s).
  14. The alliance(s) will protect the Client’s personal data and will not distribute it without the permission of the Client for the implementation of application purposes
  15. The alliance(s) shall protect Client(s) and not engage with any fraudulent activity, theft, threatening conduct or any other unlawful crimes or acts.

Whereas, based on the consumer bill of rights, namely Right to Safety, right to be Informed, Right to Choices and Right to be Heard, Client(s) must know their rights and obligations as the following mentioned below:

  1. Right to choose

Right to select the provider of your choice. Right to request pre-authorization for provider of choice. The client(s) has the right to know, choose and determine the program to take based on and in accordance with immigration law in their country of choice, success rate based on Client’s profile, requirements, criminal history, critical illness, financial capacity and based on connections not limited to experience and personal interest.

  1. Right to fair and responsible marketing.

Right to protection against bait marketing. Right to protection against negative option marketing.

  1. The client(s) has the right to know, to meet and conduct background check up with the Licensed Consultant or Lawyer before starting the application
  2. Rights Information in plain and understandable language

The Client(s) has the right to get an explanation in order to understand the program of the choice.

  1. Right to obtain notice for certain terms and conditions

Rights warning concerning facts and nature of risk(s). The client has the right to be informed the risk and benefit of the program he/she chooses.

  1. Client(s) represent that you are over the age of 18. The Company does not permit those under 18 to use the Service.
  2. As Client(s), you need to be aware that any misrepresentation on your documents and information may render you inadmissible to your country of choice (or other country) for period of 3 to 5 years. This is your responsible to provide truthful information.
  3. Right to fair and reasonable terms and conditions and to obtain free copies of agreement(s)/contract(s).
  4. Right to protection against false, misleading, or deceptive representations.
  5. Right to protection against fraudulent schemes and offers. Rights to approach court and lawsuit to seek legal assistance and protection.
  6. The Client(s) required to sign the retainer agreement before starting the application with the related party
  7. Right to good quality service and safety.

Right to ask service(s) monitored for safety. Right to demand quality service(s), timely notice of any unavoidable delay in the performance of the service(s) in a manner and quality that persons are generally entitled to; Return calls when promised. Client(s) has a right to receive service that are fit for purpose, good working order and know safety warnings, know company standards. Please feel free to let us know if any negligence or issue so we can serve you better

  1. Client(s) can entrust their information to IzzyImmi, and Alliance(s) is confidential, and will not be distributed to other parties who have no interest in accordance with the aims and objectives of implementing the application
  2. The Client(s) has the right to receive guidance, be given advice and be notified of the feasibility of the application.
  3. Client(s) shall follow directions from Alliance(s) and IzzyImmi in managing applications, due to time constraints in submitting several documents.

If any conditions of use inconsistent with the term of service, you shall contact IzzyImmi.


Don’t use our service to break the law. You agree not to violate any laws in connection with your use of the services. This includes any local, state, federal and International that may apply to you, such as: your business certificate, license, and any legal requirements in applicable legal jurisdiction to carry on your duty.

Hereby, any breach of the mentioned terms and conditions above IzzyImmi has the right to:

  1. Send warning, sanction, termination and/or assist Client(s) to seek legal actions in the event of a violation of any of the above against the Client(s) and the applicable law is the law where the Client(s) is located, namely the Republic of Indonesia.
  2. IzzyImmi has the right to bring a third party through arbitration or an institution if there is no solution between the Client(s) and Alliance(s), all costs and losses incurred will be the responsibility of the party committing the violation.
  3. IzzyImmi has the right to terminate the agreements with Alliance(s) and whatever the agreements contained therein
  4. IzzyImmi has the right to hold all payments or ask for refund. Refund will be delivered in no later than 20 days.
  5. IzzyImmi has the right to legally ban Client(s) for being unruly, disrupting the business or its operations, causing injuries, stress or upsets to employee(s), Alliance(s) and other Client(s), examples: empowers abusive behavior, bullying and harassment from a client.


Limitation of Liability

Client(s) shall understand that IzzyImmi and its-Alliance(s) do not have the power to provide a guarantee on approval of application. We don’t sell visa, Green Card, or Permanent Resident, but we help you to get your visa, Permanent Resident or whatsoever Green Card. We calculate the risk but not everything under the control of IzzyImmi and the Alliance(s); example: Immigration regulations changes all the time, this will cause a delay on your application; medical records of Client(s), such as critical illness, criminal history, any visa refusal in the past, work illegally and overstayed in one country. The final decision is under the discretion of the immigration officer. Therefore, each Client(s) must be fully aware and have full responsibility for the authenticity of all applications, documents, certificates, and information.


Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain types of warranties or limitations on applicable statutory rights of a consumer, so some or all of the above exclusions and limitations may not apply to You. But in such a case the exclusions and limitations set forth in this section shall be applied to the greatest extent enforceable under applicable law.

Governing Law

The laws are governed by the Laws in Republic of Indonesia, without regard to its conflicts of Law rules and the rules of Republic of Indonesia. These laws may apply wherever in the world you live, and if you live outside of Republic of Indonesia, you may be entitled to the protection of mandatory consumer protection provisions of your local consumer protection Law.


Disputes Resolution

If You have any concern or dispute about the Service, You agree to first try to resolve the dispute informally by contacting IzzyImmi.

Translation Interpretation

IzzyImmi and its Attorney(s) formed this Terms and Conditions in Indonesia. We have made them available to You on our Website. You agree that the original Indonesia text shall prevail in the case of a dispute.


Changes to These Terms and Conditions

IzzyImmi reserve the right, at Our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms and Conditions at any time. If a revision is material, we will make reasonable efforts to provide at least 30 days’ notice prior to any new terms taking effect.

By continuing to access or use Our Service after those revisions become effective, You agree to be bound by the revised terms.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, please feel free to contact us:

  • By email: business@izzyimmi.com