Virginia Jeyapal
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Virginia Jeyapal - Canadian Resume Writer
Virginia Jeyapal, MBA, CPRW, CEIP is a Certified Professional Resume Writer and a Certified Employment Interview Professional. She graduated with an Executive MBA in Human Resources Management from NYIT and holds an BA (Bachelor of Arts) from UW, Western University, London, ON. With 22+ years in the business, Virginia is considered a leading career expert in Canada and the United States. With a global clientele, she has been published in various directories for top-level resume writing. She was featured on ‘Best Resume Writers’ and ‘The Directory of Executive & Professional Recruiters’ considered the Industry Bible by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ). Shadow Management Consulting currently ranks in the Top 10 Resume Writing Services in Toronto.
When Virginia isn’t working 1-on-1 with clients, she has led workshops and seminars in Canada and the United States on executive branding, immigrant career services, transitions/career branding, job seeker search strategies, and professional resume writing. She has worked with many companies, colleges, and universities to help employees and students with outplacement and career transition.
She is Director/Founder of Shadow Management Consulting Inc.